The rising demand for energy-efficient refrigerators
The refrigerator you buy can have a big impact on your energy bills. Refrigerators run non-stop, and their energy costs get troublesome in the long run. The good news is that modern-day refrigerators have become much more energy-efficient over the years, helping people cut down on utility bills. The energy is used by the refrigerator to pump heat out of the cabinet and keep it cool. A slight amount of energy is also used to keep the cabinet from leaking, for defrosting and to light up the interior. The energy-efficiency of a refrigerator is measured in the volume cooled per unit of electric energy per day. i.e , Refrigerator Efficiency = Volume Cooled (ft3) / Unit Electrical Energy per day (kWh) An energy star rating is an authorized symbol approved by the Government that displays the refrigerator's energy-saving efficiency. The energy star label is mainly used to reduce the emission of different pollutants like greenhouse gas ...