How to make a side by side refrigerator squeaky clean?

Thinking to clean your side by side refrigerator , but don’t know where to start? Don’t worry, as we have your back. A smart fridge /modern fridge is equipped with new technologies and sensors that help the refrigerator and freezer to automatically defrost. This means that it is easier for odour/air to circulate from one section to another. To avoid this, we must follow certain steps to keep the refrigerator clean and organized. An organized fridge will allow you to use the space efficiently, keep the freshness of the food/ingredients intact, ensure optimum cooling with minimum use of energy. Here are some easy-peasy steps that you can follow! Unplug and remove all the food from the refrigerator. Ensure it is completely empty. Remove the trays and drawers than are removable. Hand wash the removable parts with warm soapy water and leave them to dry. Keep the refrigerator unplugged and clean the side by side door storage with a clean damp ...